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Healing and Balancing

Chakra Balance - Intuitive healing

Chakras are energy centers in the human body; each corresponds to different glands and governs specific parts of the physical body and areas of the psyche. Chakras are located deep within the center of the physical body next to a hormonal gland along the spinal column. When our chakras are balanced, maximum vitality and health is experienced.

Consists of:

Intuitive healing, Reiki, Cord Cutting, Intuitive guidance, Clearing, Chakra alignment, Re-energising, Crystal application, Negative energy removal.

Consultation Fees:  45 mins $130

Polarity Therapy 

A gentle system of hands on healing, working with the body's natural energies. If our energy flow becomes imbalanced or blocked it can lead to a general sense of malaise, illness or disease. Clearing blockages and imbalances restores the energy flow and allows the body to heal itself naturally.

Consultation Fees:  45 mins $145

Call   03 9350 2915 for an appointment

Myotherapy, massage, lymphatic drainage, remedial massage, RF cavitation, trigger point, sore back
Myotherapy, massage, lymphatic drainage, remedial massage, RF cavitation, trigger point, sore back
Myotherapy, massage, lymphatic drainage, remedial massage, RF cavitation, trigger point, sore back
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